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1. Satisfy social needs

With lower operational costs and less limitation on usage, it cradles ventures


East Kowloon became the cradle for venture start-up with the most industrial buildings(IB) in place.

Over 10 thousand ventures were located in industrial buildings and occupied almost ¼ of that in Hong Kong, bringing new dynamic and energy to the market.

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2. High rate of return

Low vacancy rate overall, rich source of tenants

After revitalisation policies were taken,
brand new ways of usage were discovered.

Since last year, the overall vacancy rate of IBs has been consistently low, the market has shown a certain desire.

Statistic calculating
Business Meeting

3. Strongly Defensive Assets

Occurred to have comparatively lower decrease amongst the industry and
increased steadily.

The market for industrial buildings has rebounded constantly with over 550 tradings recorded -
nearly a 3% increase on a monthly basis. Research showed that spare IBs in Hong Kong were diminishing at an yearly rate of 0.6%. 

4. Necessity -
    Rigid Demand

5. Limited Supply -
    IBs Scarcity

6. Economic Circle -
    An Industry Cluster

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